Wednesday, February 26, 2020

1000 words APA format Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

1000 words APA format - Article Example The authors utilize this particular case as a means of drawing attention to an industrially developed society that exhibits a larger than average overall life expectancy as a means of focusing upon the aforementioned determinants of COPD. Accordingly, the forthcoming analysis will serve as a brief review and synthesis of the main findings that this particular article was able to exhibit and the overall inference that can be drawn based upon these findings in terms of proposed future research and a greater understanding of COPD as it relates to individuals beyond the age of 65. Firstly, the article presents the broader understanding that COPD is oftentimes represented an old age as a direct result of environmental hazards and/4 prior activities such as smoking which might have contributed to the prevalence of this particular disease as old age is experienced. Within this particular dynamic, the article encourages healthcare professionals to be keenly aware of the fact that COPD, although having very similar symptoms and effects upon the individual who suffers from it regardless of age, has distinctly different impacts upon individuals that are over the age of 65 and potentially experience other health complications and issues alongside this. Yet, rather than providing a mere definition of COPD, symptoms, and its potential treatments, the article establishes a research methodology that will assess stakeholders and more effectively understanding and defining COPD in terms of future treatments. Accordingly, a cross-sectional study was conducted between March 2007 to January 2008; during this period, 406 primary family caregivers of COPD patients were recruited as a means of answering a questionnaire. Essentially, this study sought to categorize, classify, and ultimately understand the differentials in approach that caregivers had towards individual suffering from COPD based

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Cmplaint letter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Cmplaint letter - Essay Example I then went to my home country to start my process of applying for a graduate school scholarship from the government. In addition, my application to be a non-business degree student in Business school for one semester was approved. Moreover, I was planning to start my GMAT course as full student in Bridge English center as I waited for my official transcript and completion letter to get the scholarship considering the fact that my non-degree course as well as my GMAT course would be catered for. On 11 August 2010, I checked smart system and to my surprise , I learnt that I got an â€Å" I † in Organizational Design, MGMT 4370. This was because my instructor had no grade recorded for the three case studies. However, I had done all the three case studies, two of which she marked and gave back to me. In fact, I have them with me. As for the third case study, we were supposed to have completed and handed it in on the last day of the class, which I did. Unfortunately, I did not make my own copy – I just printed it and handed it in. Attached are all emails, the two case studies that she marked and the transcript. I am aware that she changed the grade later, but she did it so late that I lost the aforementioned opportunities. I now cannot get acceptance in graduate school next spring, owing to a fault that I never committed. I am extremely disappointed! I would greatly appreciate if you would kindly address this